In The Media

I regularly work with journalists on a range of topics, and sometimes they even cite me or invite me onto their podcast or show!

This is an extremely unreliable list of media mentions — it’s here as much as a resource for myself as for anyone else as I lose track way to fast of who I’ve spoken with and on what. It also doesn’t include posts to my Substack, Medium, or 2020 Science.

And if it looks somewhat sparse, it’s probably because the list is still being built out. This is not helped by Google not indexing news items well more than 10 – 15 years old, meaning that much of my media coverage between 2005 – 2010 is missing.


March 13, 2025: Imagining the Future of Higher Education with Andrew Maynard. AI for U podcast episode 16 [Link]

February 10, 2025: Science in 2025. Morning Wave in Busan (Live radio) [Link]

January 13, 2025: Was AI a catalyst in the Cybertruck explosion? Experts weigh in on ChatGPT’s role. Las Vegas Review-Journal [Link]

January 9, 2025: AI and technology developments at CES. Morning Wave in Busan (Live radio) [Link]

January 3, 2025: The AI Revolution: AI and the Future of Humanity. AI Ethics Now podcast [Link]

January 3, 2025: How Waymo prevented a man in LA from stealing driverless vehicle. CBS 5 News [Link]


November 27, 2024: Podcast explores the future in a rapidly evolving world. ASU News [Link]

October 21, 2024: Arizona parents sending kids in Waymo cars alone against app policy. 3TV Arizona [Link]

October 18, 2024: Personsökarattackerna i Libanon: framtidens krig är här (The pager attacks in Lebanon: the war of the future is here). SverigesRadio/Konflict [Link]

October 4, 2024: The US presidential election’s implications for chemistry. C&E News [Link]

September 25, 2024: These schools don’t fear artificial intelligence. They put it to work FastCompany [Link]

September 18, 2024: Lebanon explosions raise alarm about supply chain security, safety of tech. Al Jazeera [Link]

August 26, 2024: Arizona women catch confused driverless car heading into oncoming traffic. 3TV Arizona [Link]

August 26, 2024: VIDEO: Autonomous Waymo seen driving toward oncoming traffic in Tempe. 12 News [Link]

August 5, 2024: Should we bring generative AI into the classroom? World Economic Forum [Link]

July 26 2024: With Elon Musk all in for Donald Trump, what might that mean for US space policy?. South China Morning Post [Link]

June 25, 2024: Letting Biotech Breathe. World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions [Link]

June 25, 2024: NBC News reporter test rides driverless taxi in Arizona. NBC News [Link]

July 19, 2024: Discussing the implications of the CrowdStrike outage. Al Jazeera News [No link]

June 15, 2024: Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2024: 1. AI for scientific discovery. World Economic Forum [Link]

June 15, 2024: Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2024: 2. Priivacy-enhancing technologies. World Economic Forum [Link]

June 14, 2024: Waymo recalls fleet of 600 self-driving cars. 12 News [Link]

June 13, 2024: Rise of the nanomachines. New Yorker [Link]

June 3, 2024: An Arizona law regulating AI was crafted with the use of AI — which may be a first. KJZZ [Link]

May 17, 2024: Waymo is being investigated in Arizona for 8 driverless crashes. Here’s why a technology expert thinks they’re still safe. 12 News [Link]

May 6, 2024: A ‘hesitant’ and ‘confused’ car? Driverless car turns into oncoming traffic in the East Valley. 12 News [Link]

April 19, 2024: Nano Nightmare. Episode 4 of We’re All Gonna Die (Even Jay Baruchel), Series 2 [Link]

April 19, 2024: Jay-I. Episode 1 of We’re All Gonna Die (Even Jay Baruchel), Series 2 [Link]

February 13, 2024: Tesla worker killed in fiery crash may be first ‘Full Self-Driving’ fatality. Washington Post [Link]

February 7, 2024: Opinion: Student’s Don’t Need Access to ChatGPT Enterprise. State Press [Link]

February 6, 2024: Charting ASU’s Future: Navigating OpenAI’s First Partnership in Higher Education. State Press [Link]

January 4, 2024: Professor argues for risk-innovation framework in responsible AI advancement. ASU News [Link]



December 15, 2023: Artificial Intelligence, Responsible Innovation, and the Future
of Humanity with Andrew Maynard. TechTrends [Link]

December 10, 2023: Why Tesla Autopilot shouldn’t be used in as many places as you think. Washington Post [Link]

November 29, 2023: Invasive Feral Cats Could Be Wiped Out Using Genetic Modification. Newsweek [Link]

November 16, 2023: ASU Professors and Students. Discuss How AI Could Affect the Democratic Process. The State Press [Link]

November 8, 2023: The Bridge between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence: How AI Could Exoerience Life. The State Press [Link]

October 20, 2023: Creatives with AI #22 Personalised Learning at Scale using AI with Andrew Maynard. Creatives with AI podcast [link]

October 10, 2023: The Rise of AI. Zombified podcast [link]

October 6, 2023: The final 11 seconds of a fatal Tesla Autopilot crash. Washington Post [link]

October 5, 2023: Nobel de chimie : les boîtes quantiques témoignent de notre capacité à bâtir la matière à l’échelle atomique. The Conversation (France) [link]

October 4, 2023: Quantum dots are part of a revolution in engineering atoms in useful ways – Nobel Prize for chemistry recognizes the power of nanotechnology. The Conversation [link]

October 2, 2023: Navigating the risks and benefits of AI: Lessons from nanotechnology on ensuring emerging technologies are safe as well as successful. The Conversation [link]

September 21, 2023: Course Stories, Season 4, Episode 2: The AI Whisperer: Faculty and Students on ChatGPT Dialogues. Ed Plus Course Stories podcast [link]

September 20, 2023: ASU faculty dive deep into the possibilities of AI-learning. ASU News [link]

September 19, 2023: Opinion: ASUs Guidelines for AI and ChatGPT are Helpful. State Press [link]

August 25, 2023: Some Americans are saying no to smart devices and embracing digital minimalism. Under the Radar with Callie Crossley. WGBH Boston [link]

July 31, 2023: Professors Craft Courses on ChatGPT With ChatGPT, Inside Higher Ed [link]

July 16, 2023: I Asked ChatGPT to Develop a College Class About Itself. Now, it’s teaching it. Slate [Link]

June 28, 2023: International report on emerging technologies highlights ASU’s role in supporting direction, development. ASU News [Link]

June 26, 2023: Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2023. World Economic Forum [Link]

June 20, 2023: The future is at hand — with a slice of pizza in the other. ASU News [Link]

June 1, 2023: A new class at ASU will train students to use ChatGPT for work and school. KJZZ [Link]

May 12, 2023: What’s a Luddite? An expert on technology and society explains. The Conversation [Link]

May 3, 2023: Waymo says software glitch caused a driverless traffic jam in Phoenix last month. AZ Mirror [Link]

May 1, 2023: New ChatGPT course at ASU gives students a competitive edge. ASU News [Link]

April 24, 2023: Waymo explains why its self-driving cars stopped driving on Phoenix street. 12 News [Link]


March 17, 2023: Designing next-generation transportation systems. ASU Full Circle [Link]


December 1, 2022: Discussing Neuralink first in human trials. Al Jazeera News [No link]

November 17, 2022: Past is Prologue: What Soylent Green Got Wrong. Geography 2050 [Link]

November 1, 2021:  “Into the Metaverse” – an Interview with Professor Andrew Maynard. The Relentless Pursuit Podcast [Link]

October 10, 2022: RISK INNOVATION and the power of WONDER & AWE in innovation success. Center for Responsible Innovation podcast [Link]

August 15, 2022: Why Soylent Green Got 2022 So Wrong. Slate [Link]

July 4, 2022: 12 self-driving cars crashed in Arizona in the last year. 12 News [Link]

June 9, 2022: ‘Jurassic World’ scientists still haven’t learned that just because you can doesn’t mean you should – real-world genetic engineers can learn from the cautionary tale. The Conversation [Link]

May 20, 2022″ ‘Humans are not good at this’: Crash that killed Valley singer may have involved Tesla’s ‘autopilot.’ 12 News [Link]

April 27, 2022: Does a Musk-owned Twitter dim Tesla’s star? EE News [Link]

April 11, 2022: Did ‘Soylent Green’ get 2022 right? ASU News [Link]

February 12, 2022: Experts Alarmed by Videos of Tesla Full Self-Driving Totally Screwing Up. Futurisum [Link]

February 10, 2022: ‘Full Self-Driving’ clips show owners of Teslas fighting for control, and experts see deep flaws. Washington Post [Link]


December 16, 2021: The metaverse could become a reality in the next few years. Horizon, Arizona PBS [Link]

November 23, 2021: ‘Future Rising’: How Technology Might Stop Humanity From Repeating Past Mistakes. KJZZ [Link]

October 2021: Artificial intelligence: Friend or foe for building a better future? Global Futures Futurecast [Link]

Septermer 26, 2021: Elon Musk’s Tesla Bot Raises Serious Concerns – but Probably Not the Ones You Think. Governing [Link]

September 9, 2021: How realistic is Elon Musk’s ‘Tesla Bot’? We asked an expert. Create magazine [Link]

May 20, 2021: Reporter’s driverless van ride: Cool tech, freaky turns. TechXplore [Link]

February 5, 2021: Get a first-person tour of Waymo’s fully driverless service. 12 News [Link]

January 21, 2021: Reinventing the Wheel: Are Self-Driving Cars Empowering or Endangering Those Who Can’t Drive? Phoenix Magazine [Link]


December 23, 2020: Waymo’s Driverless Ride Service Moves Metro Phoenix Toward Autonomous Future. Cronkite News [Link]

December 11, 2020: 10 ways we can build a better relationship with the future. World Economic Forum [Link]

December 10, 202: 10 ways we can build a better relationship with the future. World Economic Forum [Link]

November 27, 2020: Andrew Maynard on futurism “Future Rising”. Talk Louisiana [Link]

November 23, 2020: ‘Future Rising’: How technology might stop humanity from repeating past mistakes. KJZZ [Link]

October 20, 202: “Future Rising” By Andrew Maynard. WAMC [Link]


December 10, 2019: We Are Not Ready to Deal With Gene-Edited Athletes. Slate [Link]

November 1, 2019: The Many Ways Elon Musk’s Neuralink Could Go Wrong. OneZero [Link]

September 4, 2019: How to Ensure Our Digital Legacy Isn’t Lost to the Future. OneZero [Link]

July 23, 2019: Neuralink’s Technology Is Impressive. Is It Ethical? OneZero [Link]

July 23, 2019: When it comes to human and AI interfaces, ASU professor says ethical questions abound. ASU News [Link]

July 1, 2019: Collaborative Telepresence Could Render Distance (Relatively) Meaningless. Scientific American [Link]

April 15, 2019: Ethics Boards Won’t Save Big Tech. OneZero [Link]

April 11, 2019: USFA: Using Nanotechnology to Minimize Fire Damage. American Security Today [Link]

April 5, 2019: The future of DNA is unfolding now. ASU News [Link]

March 1, 2019: The Forgotten Risk of Fitness Trackers. OneZero [Link]



December 30, 2018: It’s time for tech startups and their funders to take “orphan risks” seriously. LinkedIn [Link]

November 29, 2018: Sci-fi movies are the secret weapon that could help Silicon Valley grow up. World Economic Forum [Link]

November 21, 2018: The True Cost of Stain-Resistant Pants. Slate [Link]

November 16, 2018: The 1995 Anime “Ghost in the Shell” is more relevant than ever in today’s technologically complex society. BoingBoing [Link]

September 28, 2018: How Google Became an Architect of Reality. Slate [Link]

September 9, 2018: Burgers grown in a lab are heading to your plate. Will you bite? Washington Post [Link]

May 29, 2018: Nanotechnology: sifting the science from what Elon Musk calls ‘BS’. Australian Broadcasting Company [Link]

March 21, 2018: After Tempe fatality, self-driving car developers must engage with public now or risk rejection. The Conversation [Link]



October 19, 2021: ‘Geostorm’ movie shows dangers of hacking the climate – we need to talk about real-world geoengineering now. The Conversation [Link]

October 1, 2017: Dear Elon Musk: Your dazzling Mars plan overlooks some big nontechnical hurdles. The Conversation [Link]

September 22, 2017: The man in a dress: who were the real luddites? Australian Broadcasting Corporation [Link]

June 15, 2017: Is lead in the US food supply decreasing our IQ? The Conversation [Link]

March 8, 2017: Planetary Protection: Contamination Debate Still Simmers. [Link]



December 13, 2016: In Post-Truth World, How Should We Communicate About Science? US News & World Report [Link]

September 27, 2016: Why I’m Suffering From Nanotechnology Fatigue. Slate Future Tense [Link]

September 26, 2016: Will driving your own car become the socially unacceptable public health risk smoking is today? The Conversation [Link]

September 23, 2016: Why we need to define “nanomaterial. Zocalo [Link]

September 14, 2016: Considering ethics now before radically new brain technologies get away from us. The Conversation [Link]

July 22, 2016: It’ll take more than tech for Elon Musk to pull off audacious new Tesla master plan. The Conversation [Link]

June 7, 2016: Scientists at Arizona State University discover potentially-harmful nanoparticles in baby formula. Down to Earth [Link]

May 25, 2016: The future of personal satellite technology is here – are we ready for it? The Conversation [Link]

May 17, 2016: Nanoparticles in baby formula: should parents be worried? The Conversation [Link]

March 29, 2016: We don’t talk much about nanotechnology risks anymore, but that doesn’t mean they’re gone. The Conversation [Link]

February 4, 2016: Mosquito ‘kill switch” could eradicate Zika. ASU News [Link]

February 3, 2016: Three ways synthetic biology could annihilate Zika and other mosquito-borne diseases. The Conversation [Link]

January 27, 2016: Can citizen science empower disenfranchised communities? The Conversation [Link]

January 16, 2026: The New Industrial Revolution Could Use a Lesson in Empathy. Zocalo [Link]

January 15, 2017: The fourth industrial revolution: what does WEF’s Klaus Schwab leave out? The Conversation [Link]

January 12, 2017: Thinking innovatively about the risks of tech innovation. The Conversation [Link]



December 22, 2015: Hoverboards and health: how good for you is this year’s hottest trend? The Conversation [Link]

March 12, 2015: Dunkin’ Donuts ditches titanium dioxide – but is it actually harmful? The Conversation [Link]

March 4, 2015: Why we must develop new technologies responsibly. World Economic Forum [Link]

February 11, 2015: Fighting malaria is going to take more than just nets. The Conversation [Link]

January 7, 2015: Are quantum dot TVs – and their toxic ingredients – actually better for the environment? The Conversation [Link]



may 20, 2008: Carbon nanotubes may be as hazardous to health as asbestos. The Guardian [Link]

April 18, 2008: A Silver Coating in the Fight Against Microbes. Science Line [Link]

March 2, 2008: Carbon nanotubes may cause cancer, study reveals. European Commission [Link]




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